No Gender December

There is a campaign going on to end “gendered marketing” to kids. On the website it states, “Kids should be free to decide which toys interest them, without being informed by gendered marketing that something is ‘for them’ or ‘not for them’. ” They hope to “raise parents awareness of the narrowing impact gendered marketing can have on children’s perspectives about what it is and isn’t okay to like or play with as a boy or a girl.”

The article goes on to tie gendered marketing to bullying and domestic abuse. It calls for an end to toy stores having boy sections and girl sections. Statements warn that marketing certain toys as being appropriate for boys and girls limit the child’s development and their future career choices.

I’m not opposed to a girl playing with a construction set, or a boy making cakes in an easy bake oven. What I am alarmed about is the new overt push to let kids decide what gender they want to be. Make no mistake, this is the mindset behind the campaign. We don’t want little Johnny to be forced into having to be a boy if he “feels” like he is a girl. HOGWASH!!!

In Mark 10:6 Jesus said, “But at the beginning of creation God ‘made them male and female.'” (Echoing Genesis 5:2). I have a gender. You have a gender. We were created one or the other, not either, not both. You can spin it, mask it, redefine all you want, you are what you were created to be. Own it! Live it!

As for not wanting to scar little lives by telling them what they should or shouldn’t do to be who God created them to be, there is a scripture for that too. “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. (KJV)” or the NLT version, “Direct your children onto the right path, and when they are older, they will not leave it.” It is not God’s intention for children to raise themselves.

I have one of each. Terri and I trained them according to who they were created to be. Our daughter has grown to be a blessed woman of God and a wonderful wife and mother. Our son is a hard working man and great husband. They were not scarred for life because I took Jamin to the boys section of the toy store and Chanda to the girls.

#nogenderdecember #theworldhasgonenuts #politicallycorrectmyfoot

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