The Snake and the People without Faces

The land was filled with brilliant light, and the people were happy. Though they built magnificent structures to serve as kitchens, art galleries, and the like, they did not have to worry about building structures to protect them. When the light shaded itself to reveal the night sky, the people would marvel at the stars before finally drifting off into peaceful, restful sleep. They did not have anything to worry about. The land produced enough food for them to eat and create with, and the land itself was filled with entertaining features to bring to them enjoyment. The people felt purposed and loved. Each of them knew the face and touch of their creator who worked and laughed alongside them for hours each day.

One day, Snake slithered in amongst them and began to whisper in his usual hissing way. “You aren’t happy”, he said to one. “You are blind”, he said to another. He never stopped moving and barely glanced at the one whom he whispered his lie to. “You are most beautiful. You are most ugly. You don’t need them. You aren’t capable. You are angry.” Lie after lie was hissed to one after another. Nobody ever really noticed him, nor did they keep notice of him. Instead, they thought about what he whispered.

“Maybe, it’s true”, thought one.

“I do feel alone”, thought another.

Slowly, over the world, a low groaning could be heard. A groaning that turned to mourning. Mourning that turned to outrage. The creator visited as he usually does, and saw plainly what was going on. “Trust me”, he whispered, “I am”, he reassured. Few would listen. Few could be consoled. The people were so focused on themselves that they could hardly hear the healing words of their creator. He was bumped into and elbowed as people pulled at their clothes and disfigured their faces. The light began to fade. Thus sun was all that shone. The snake continued on his rounds.

The more they considered themselves, the more they lost themselves. Their faces began to fade. Beautiful eyes of blue, green, and brown were tightly shut with furrowed brows. Those brows disappeared. Shut eyes became mere bulges in their skin. Noses that were stuck up in the air vanished. Even their hair fell out. The only thing that remained were their modest lips, sharp tongues, and loud voices.

“I can see! I can see!” rejoiced a man who was joined by another as if they had always been blind.

“I am finally happy!” sighed a woman as if sorrow had been her journey so far.

“I am magnificent!” a woman shouted as she raised her hands in presentation.

There were some who weren’t so sure of their new situation who stretched out their arms in search of those who celebrated themselves. “I’ll show you the way!” the blind announced to the blind. They grouped together and fought against each other.

The land and it’s cities fell to smoke and ruin as the people all believed they had built paradise.

Suddenly, a man cried out, “Creator! Creator! Save me!” The Creator set his hand on the man’s shoulder in comfort, and then with his other arm, reached down his throat. It was brutal and scary having the Creator reach down his throat, but he trusted in the Creator’s constant reassurance. After a few moments had passed, the Creator pulled his arm back out with a hissing snake in his hand. He threw the snake to the ground, and crushed it’s head with the heel of his foot. The man, terrified at what had happened, began to cry. The tears began to well out of eyes that reappeared, and washed his face back into existence.

“You lost focus of me. Pride infected your heart, and you have forgotten who you are.” The man’s face fell, and he began to grovel at the feet of the Creator who lifted his eyes back to his own. “You are mine”, the Creator said firmly and passionately. “Now, go and tell the others about me.”

Some accepted the message. Only those who recognized the depravity of their situation and submitted themselves to the work of the Creator could be saved. These people formed groups where they encouraged each other in the midst of the rubble, healed each other’s wounds, and told stories about their Creator. There were also groups of blind faceless people who claimed to know the real Creator. They strut-wandered into the camp of the seeing, and tried to reinfect anyone that they could with their lies. Sadly, there were some who believed them, and again lost their faces.

The blind had to realize that there was a problem, before they could be restored. The seeing had to work together while staying focused on their Creator, the only one who could bring restoration to all that had been broken.

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