11 Points and Falling Trees

By: Bud Alexis

On one of my scouting trips, I had stopped to fix something on my six wheeler ATV.  In the process of my repairs, I looked up and a beautiful eleven point came within twenty five yards of me as I stayed motionless.

It was already hunting season, but my rifle was on the seat and there was no chance of getting it without spooking the deer.  I just watched, drooling and wishing, but soon the buck vanished into the woods.   I decided to hunt there the next day.  I scouted around this area and saw a tree that had broken over about 15 feet from the ground.  I thought that would be a good place to get since I didn’t want to take a chance making a lot of noise putting up a new stand.  I smell adventure.

The next day I decided to boat in, since it was about a mile or so off the main highway.  There was a big canal that ran into the area that I would hunt.  It was in the afternoon when I was able to go to this area.  Arriving in the area, I parked the boat and made my way to the tree.  It didn’t look so bad so I started my ascent.  As I was about to put my hand on the main upright trunk, the part that had broken, which I was standing on, decided to fall to the ground.  Needless to say, I followed it down landing on my ribcage as I straddled the log.  I don’t know how long I lay there before I came to, but by then it had gotten dark.  I knew that no one knew where I was, and I could hardly move for the pain.  I lay there a while longer trying to get enough strength to get back to the boat.  The mosquitoes were terrible, but that was the least of my worries.  I finally struggled to my feet and began making my way to the boat, using my rifle for a crutch.   I managed to get to the boat and made my way to back to my truck.  I didn’t break any ribs, but they were very bruised. 

I did learn that you should always tell someone where you will be, and don’t do stupid things.  At least I learned the first part.   Someone else got that deer a week later.

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