Never Saw the Like

By: Bud Alexis

Helllllp!  It didn’t sink in at first, but I did listen to see if that was a distress call.   Hellllp!  No doubt this time, so we began running through the woods toward the help calls.  We would occasionally stop to get our bearing, and take off again.  When we found the person, sure enough, he was in quite a predicament.  In my life time and in all my travels around the world, I have seen some quite unusual things, but I must admit I never saw the likes of this. 

It all started earlier that week when I was invited to go on a deer drive.  Now, I have hunted deer a lot of different ways, but this would be my first deer drive using humans to do the driving.  There are drivers, those that walk through a designated area, and the standers, those who wait at the other end to intercept the deer should they come your way fleeing the drivers.  I was chosen as one of the standers.  Lucky me.  As I always mentioned in most of the other stories, I don’t have normal outings.  They become adventures.   

It was a brisk cool morning, the sun was shining, and I waited anxiously hoping to see a deer.  One of the drivers appeared in front of me, so I guess I was not lucky enough to have a deer come my way.  About the time the driver got up to me, we heard a shot some distance to our left.  We got our guns ready, just in case it was a miss, or a wounded deer running our way.  About six or seven minutes later we heard the distress call.

The scene we saw was serious, but funny, if you know what I mean.  There was this young black man with his arms and legs wrapped around a small buck deer, which had him pinned against a tree.  When he shot the deer, he hit the deer at the base of the antlers and knocked it out.  When he went over to the deer, it revived and that’s when he hung on. It sure looked like a standoff to me.  I wasn’t sure who had who pinned.  We had a little fun with him by telling him there was nothing we could do without somebody getting hurt.  He was about in tears when I pulled out my hunting knife and cut the deer’s throat.  After the deer expired, I commenced to have a little more fun.  I informed him that since I killed the deer it rightfully belonged to me, but I appreciated that he caught it for me.  When we got back to the farmhouse, I gave him relief when I told him that I was only joking.  Anybody that can run down a deer and catch him deserves to keep it.

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