Valley of Blessing

Valley of Blessing

In 1 Chronicles 20, three kings gathered a vast army to march against Judah. Jehoshaphat assembled his people and they sought the Lord. God spoke a word of assurance through one of the men. With this encouragement, Jehoshaphat led his army toward the battle with singers in front leading a song, “Praise the Lord! His mercy endures forever.” When the arrived where the battle was to take place the enemy lay dead on the ground (the three armies had turned on each other and not one was left alive). Jehoshaphat made three trips claiming the equipment, clothing and other valuables. This place became know as the Valley of Blessing. Word got out about what happened and no other nation dared challenge Judah as long as Jehoshaphat was king. They had peace on every side.

Are you marching into battle today? Be encouraged. Sing praises to the Lord. You may be walking into the Valley of Blessing.

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