Stay Calm, Stand Firm

As we continue to see liberty chipped away and attacks on Christians beginning to ramp up to make way for the new social justice religion, a few things stand out to me.

The Hypocrisy

Hillary Clinton still hasn’t conceded the 2016 election and declares it was rigged at every speaking opportunity. Nancy Pelosi and her ilk continued to tweet about the rigged election and Russian collusion until they launched a massive investigation that only revealed the Democrats were the colluders. For over a year the Democrats have stirred up their left wing radicals until cities were burned, federal buildings were stormed and police officers were killed. Maxine Waters stoked the fire by telling her base to hunt down Republicans anywhere you can find them and let them have no peace. Any attempt to speak against these actions are squashed. Even now, any voice who tries to combat these activities with truth are having their mics turned off.

The Mirror

The irony is, the reason Democrats hate Donald Trump is because he acts like a Democrat, but promotes conservative policies and ideas. Republicans typically (not perfectly of course) have competed for their ideas with more respect and civility. In the 90’s I became aware of a nasty brand of politics promoted by the Democratic party where, to get their point across, you made ridiculously false accusations like, “Republicans want to throw old people off a cliff.” The rhetoric got lower and nastier. Then someone came on the scene who started using their same behavior against them, but for the opposite cause. This made them livid. A mirror can be a harsh messenger.

How Should a Follower of Christ Respond

Almost a year ago I started a quest to learn about the early church. I’m now teaching a course on Church History (shameless plug for my YouTube channel here). The early Christians lived in a world of Roman tyranny and Greek wokeness. They were teased, hated, at times treated harshly and even killed simply because they would not get in step with society around them. How did they respond to this treatment? They stayed calm, spoke kindly, paid their taxes, and prayed for their authorities and neighbors. Without rioting or fanning a rebellion, they stood firmly in their faith. So firmly they would face burning and being thrown to beasts rather than deny Christ.

My encouragement to you, child of God, is to stay calm and stand on the Rock. Our modern day Rome is not the one who holds our future. The world is not the source of peace. You have the Spirit of peace within you. The government doesn’t control your liberty. It is Christ who set you free and the world can’t take it away.

In the words of the old hymn:

That’s alright, that’s okay
You can’t take freedom away
Through greater love the price was paid
I’m locked inside my freedom cage.
TMJ “Freedom Cage

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