Your fate is not decided by a coin toss.

January 23, 2022, it is the division round of the NFL playoffs for the 2021 season. The Kansas City Chiefs were playing the Buffalo Bills in a highly anticipated battle to advance to the AFC championship game. The two teams swapped leads and when regulation time was spent, the score was tied sending the game into overtime. The Chiefs won the coin toss for first possession in the OT show down. Patrick Mahomes, the Chief’s quarterback, marched his team down for a game ending touchdown and Bill’s QB Josh Allen, who had played an incredible game, did not get a chance to reciprocate. Over the next week cries rang out for NFL overtime reform and how unfair the rules are. The narrative accuses all overtime games of being decided by a coin toss.

Fast forward one week, January 30, the Chiefs now face the underdog Cincinnati Bengals. The Chiefs run up a big first half lead. Second half, the Bengals roar back and tie sending the game to overtime. The coin is tossed, and again the Chiefs win first possession. Josh Allen, watching the game from his couch, tweets out a single word at that moment, “Pain.” He has bought the narrative that his elimination was decided by the luck of such a flip, and has applied that same fate to the Bengals. The Bengals, however, would not accept their doom so easily, as their defense stopped the advancing Chiefs and Cincinnati quarterback Joe Burrow leads the cats to a game upsetting score.

It is true, some people seem to start life less advantaged than others. You may feel the coin of life has flipped you on defense. You do not have to accept defeat just because your battle seems to go up hill. There is always a path to victory! You can still win! And there is one who is able to see you through to that glorious end.

… for he who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.

1 John 4:4

in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.

Romans 8:37

Go get your victory!

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