Strength to Stand

David experienced a meteoric rise from shepherd boy to anointed future king, giant slayer, Saul’s son-in-law, popularity of the people, part of the king’s court and warrior. Saul, out of jealousy and a tormented spirit, turned on him, drove him away and pursued him with intent to kill. David’s mom and dad had to leave Israel. 600 misfits came to him for leadership and they hid in deserts and caves until finally escaping to the Philistines. The Philistine king treated him well because David became useful to him. But when the Philistines went to war with Israel, they didn’t trust David and his men and David was again rejected and sent away. When they returned to the city they had been living in, it had been burned and all their wives and children had been taken captive. 1 Samuel 30 says David and his men wept until they had no more strength to stand. Then his men, out of bitterness, decided to stone David. David has now lost everything and was now worse off than he ever was as a shepherd boy. Then the end of verse 6 says, “But David found strength in the Lord his God.”

Life sometimes turns on us. Just when we think we are headed for promise, we find ourselves weeping until we have no more strength. Maybe a friend turns on you. The job you have is pulled out from under you. The economy makes buying groceries and gas a burden. The kids are challenging your patience. The mounting weight makes it hard to even get out of bed. STRENGTHEN YOURSELF IN THE LORD. He is not unaware of your current situation. He has neither left you nor forsaken you.

“Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28) David found this rest and strength when he turned to the Lord. He stood up, rallied his men and they pursued the enemy. They defeated the enemy, retrieved all of the wives and children, not one possession was unrecovered, and the plunder was so great, David sent some to towns in Judah because they had more than they needed.

Find strength in the Lord your God today. His promises are still ahead and your blessing will be abundant.

Psalm 71:16 “I will go in the strength of the Lord.” Psalm 71 was written by David in his old age. Maybe he reflected on these events as he penned the words. In Latin, this Psalm is referred to as In te Domine Speravi (I Put My Trust In You Lord). When we put our trust in Him, we walk in His strength.

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