I have seen many posts on Facebook over time and heard personal testimonies from people who feel they aren’t getting enough attention. The story often goes, “I stopped going to church and no one visited me or called me or…

I have seen many posts on Facebook over time and heard personal testimonies from people who feel they aren’t getting enough attention. The story often goes, “I stopped going to church and no one visited me or called me or…
There is a lot of talk these days about the police and whether they are to be respected, or to be opposed. I saw a post declaring that “cops … have destroyed our trust … [their] respect must be earned.”…
Many of us hold our fathers in the highest esteem. My adoration goes way beyond “my dad can beat up your dad.” Daniel Benjamin “Bud” Alexis was an amazing man. Somehow he found that perfect balance between the hands on,…
To reach is to imply that what is desired is out of the comfortable range to obtain. Reaching usually involves stretching and exerting intentional effort toward to goal. Greater implies that it is more beneficial than what I already have…
”The end of the internet as we know it!” Really??? The outcry over the repeal of the set of regulations known as “net neutrality” has literally made me laugh out loud. The lemmings fell in line behind those who beat…
There is a campaign going on to end “gendered marketing” to kids. On the website nogenderdecember.com it states, “Kids should be free to decide which toys interest them, without being informed by gendered marketing that something is ‘for them’ or…
What am I thankful for this Christmas? My water heater went out. No, seriously! I was out caroling last night and Terri texted that the water would not get hot. When I returned home close to nine I did some…
Our quaint little town was pelted with two or three inches of snow yesterday, which is rare for our area. I took opportunity to build a couple of snowmen, as did many around the city. Today the snow was gone.…