As we continue to see liberty chipped away and attacks on Christians beginning to ramp up to make way for the new social justice religion, a few things stand out to me. The Hypocrisy Hillary Clinton still hasn’t conceded the…

As we continue to see liberty chipped away and attacks on Christians beginning to ramp up to make way for the new social justice religion, a few things stand out to me. The Hypocrisy Hillary Clinton still hasn’t conceded the…
As the year closed, my Bible reading took me across Revelation 13:18, “Wisdom is needed here. Let the one with understanding solve the meaning of the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man. His number…
This country was founded by people like Patrick Henry who proclaimed, “Give me liberty or give me death!” The prevailing attitude today seems to be, “You can have my freedom if you will keep me safe.” The word “safe” is…
I was reading Numbers 27 recently and something spoke to me. God tells Moses to go up on a mountain and look over into the promise land, after which he will die and not get to go in. What struck…
“Be Safe. Stay Home.” The message pops up everywhere I look. Did you know that according to the CDC, 788,757 people die at home each year (2017 number). More than 6000 per year die of falls in the home. 5000…
I love watching my kids and grandkids interact. The little ones are trying to learn how to be people while the sometimes frustrated parents shape them in the right direction. Myla has developed selective hearing. Recently I observed her busy…
In 1 Chronicles 20, three kings gathered a vast army to march against Judah. Jehoshaphat assembled his people and they sought the Lord. God spoke a word of assurance through one of the men. With this encouragement, Jehoshaphat led his…
During a driving exercise, I approached a stop sign, looked both ways to confirm nothing coming, and then proceeded through the intersection having come to about a 99% stop. The instructor barked at me to pull the car over. I glided to the edge of the road and put it in park.
By: Bud Alexis I couldn’t believe how dark it was in the woods, a new moon on this night, and my light went out. I knew there were many wild hogs in this area and I could hear many sounds…
By: Bud Alexis I love to bow hunt and but I get into some crazy situations. Every time I go into the woods, it turns out to be an adventure of some sort. Of course it makes an interesting book…